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Tohoku Electric Power University "' Epidemic 'spread blossom - TEPCO students' growth remember' epidemic '" activity is about to start
2022-03-28 15:18  

I. Activity theme

Accompanied by growth"Epidemic" road colleagues

Ii. Purpose of the activity

Sudden outbreakDisrupted the rhythm of students' daily life, the vibrant campus fell asleep again in the season that should have been the recovery of all things, and the students also entered the isolation life。Although the epidemic is isolated, colorful life is not isolated。In order to make the students spend a healthy, fulfilling, pleasant, rich and unforgettable time in the epidemic, and become practitioners of "independent learning and self-growth", the research decided to carry out the "Epidemic" spread blossom - Tepco students' Growth "epidemic" activity in the school。

3. Organization of activities

Organizer: Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center, Ministry of Education and Work

Co-organizers: School of Art, School of Physical Education

4. Activity time

March 29, 2022 to April 29, 2022

5. Active objects

All students of Northeast Electric Power University

6. Activity content

1."Concentric Anti-epidemic Cloud School, non-stop interest cultivation" -- webcast interaction

During the event, every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday evening18:30-19:30, in the "TEPCO Psychology" Tiktok number or Tencent meeting, the host of the TEPCO network red anchor @Xiaoguan students and professional teachers teach you to unlock new skills and gain new growth。Live content mainly includes sports, singing, reading, video clips and personal image promotion five categories。Specific arrangements are as follows:

1) "Move" - Growing pains that evaporate in sweat

Life lies in exercise, exercise can improve the body's metabolism, improve heart and lung function, make people more agile and flexible。At the same time, exercise can also relieve mood and enhance feelings of pleasure。Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and SundayFrom 18:30 to 19:00, the professional coaches of the Physical Education Institute will provide you with live sports and fitness classes, and share their own fitness experience with you, so that you can move light and live in style。

2) "Learn" - keep a good memory of "epidemic" in the clip

Every time you encounter happy things in life, precious moments, unforgettable moments do you want to record it?With the rapid development of short videos, video editing has become a highly valuable skill in the new era。And now we're granting everyone's wishes, every Tuesday19:00 -- 19:30 Professional teachers from the School of Art will teach you video editing skills, practical video resume, beautiful life VLOG, and energetic creative short videos through Tencent Conference (conference number: 982-5512-7597) live broadcast......Let us all be the record of our own happiness and interpret the best bedtime。

3) "Read" - Meet your better self in reading

Isolate the virus, but not love and reading。Mr. Ye Shengtao, an educator, believes that reading has two advantages: one is to acquire knowledge, and the other is to train the mind。At the same time, reading can also let us develop a rational, peaceful and optimistic state of mind。Every Thursday19:00 -- 19:30 Live reading of the famous psychology book "The Five Languages of Love" by teachers and students from the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Department of Student Affairs。In this special period, let us accompany the book, enrich the mind, transmit the power, enjoy life in reading, and embark on a happy journey of love and joy。

4"Sing" -- in song放飞Vigorous youth

According to research, singing can relax the body and mind, eliminate fatigue, increase satisfaction, and thus enhance the body's physical function。Every Saturday19:00 -- 19:30 The vocal music teacher from the School of Art will lead the students to gradually master singing skills through Douyin live broadcast, and select popular songs that the students like to sing and teach, and embellish the unforgettable time with positive songs。Let us meet in the cloud, meet friends with songs, sing the song of youth together。

5) "Beautiful" up - in the transformation of the most beautiful appearance

Personal image is the external expression of a person's comprehensive quality。A good personal image can enhance self-confidence and win the trust and favor of others more easily。At the same time, a good image brings a good impression, and can help you broaden your job search。If there's a shortcut to beauty, it's the right teacher!Every Sunday19:00 -- 19:30 The professional teachers of the School of Art will find the direction for your clothing collocation through live broadcasting, so that you can become a "collocation master" and be more confident and appropriate on various occasions;There will also be live makeup guidance, so that you really have your own special makeup color system。Want to transform from the outside in?To the studio, to help you with all your image problems。

2."The mind is empoweredGrow up, live up to the good times"-- Tack Tack punched in

According to research, a good habit needs long-term conscious cultivation。In order to stimulate students' sense of self-efficacy, constantly challenge and transform themselves, and truly realize what they have learned and what they have learned,Mental health education and counseling service center of the Ministry of Education and Work"The mind is empoweredGrow up, live up to the good times"Nail nail punch activity。Students clock in every day to record their growth and progress on the online broadcast。Please believe that what you insist on is meaningful, and your effort is also the most beautiful。


3."The end of the epidemic can be expected in spring, and the flower season is waiting for you to come" - Video editing competition

In order to let the students see their growth and harvest during the isolation life, record this unforgettable resistanceDuring the "epidemic" time, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Work carried out the video clip competition of "The end of the epidemic can be expected in spring, and the bloom season is waiting for you". You can show the most confident and the best of yourself in the epidemic life through video clips, leaving the most precious youth memories for your growth。

7. Activity requirements

1.Choose the growth project activities (not limited to one) you want to participate in according to your personal wishes, and enter the designated broadcast room on time to learn。

2.Use Dingding app to join the punch card group you want to participate in, and submit the punch card content as required every day from the day of live broadcast。

3.Punch the card activity needs to be maintained for 21 consecutive days, if there is a gap in the process of punching the card or does not punch the card according to the requirements, it is considered as a failure。

8. Reward mechanism

Stick with all of themThose who clock in 21 days can get conduct points (specific points are determined by each school)。


Warm reminder:

The epidemic is merciless, people have feelings, and the campus is closed and not sealed。Interesting live events have not made you want to try it!Here, students should also pay attention to: in the process of activities, we must do a good job of self-protection, protect the physical and mental health。Of course, your happiness also please do not affect others, pay attention to maintain the harmony of the dormitory。In bed not decaying,The epidemic is High!The epidemic will eventually pass, let us support each other and wait for the "epidemic" to disperse!


Student affairs department

March 28, 2022

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012