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The 2022 Knowledge Building Dreams and Interpersonal Communication Skills Promotion event was successfully concluded
2022-12-06 22:35  

In order to help freshmen in the university more smoothly to establish interpersonal relationships, get good interpersonal support。Under the guidance of teachers from the Psychological Counseling Center, from November 20 to 28, the Tokyo Electric Heart Talk Group used the evening self-study time to carry out knowledge building dreams and interpersonal communication skills for all freshmen of 2022. The talk activity was divided into online and offline parts。A total of 58 offline lectures and 6 online lectures were held, and about 4,900 people listened to the lectures。

The group members explained the meaning of "non-violent communication", the four elements of "non-violent communication" and how to use it,During the presentation,Members used many cases close to the lives of students,And carefully designed the question and answer interactive session,Try to let the students deepen their understanding and understanding of knowledge in an active learning atmosphere,The lively and interesting teaching method has been widely praised by the students。After the activity, the students said that they had experienced the positive impact and magical power of good communication through preaching, and they were determined to use more non-violent communication skills and methods in life to build their own harmonious and friendly "circle of friends".。

This class will effectively guide everyone to learn to avoid the use of "language violence", try to reasonably express their inner feelings, learn to use "non-violent communication" skills and methods for interpersonal interaction, and improve the ability and level of interpersonal communication。This is of great significance for freshmen who have just entered the university campus and can make everyone adapt to college life faster and better。

Next, according to the needs of students' growth and development, the group will carry out more mental health knowledge promotion activities to provide support for the healthy development of students' physical and mental health。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012