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Financial Management 201 International Day of Happiness theme class meeting summary
2021-05-28 15:11  

 .Activity theme:Feel happiness, create happiness

Tens of thousands of years of human evolution and thousands of years of human civilization have shaped different peoples, religions and beliefs, both eastern and westernPeace, harmony and happinessAnd it's WesternFreedom, democracy and fraternityIt's a parallel path to happiness, and the goal is toCommon happiness。Human civilization will be inCommon happinessIn the integration of this universal value of mankind, social contradictions will continueCommon happinessThe universal values of humanity dissolve。

In this era of coexistence of development and game,Peace, harmony, happinessIt should be the common pursuit of mankind: protecting the environment, maintaining peace, and benefiting mankind are the responsibilities and obligations of every citizen of the earth。


.Active process

Activity flow(30分钟)

1.First, introduce the theme through two small games that test happiness。Use interesting quizzes to get everyone involved in the class meeting, so that the rest of the discussion about happiness and well-being can be better carried out。

2.Introduce the concept of happiness and introduce the International Day of Happiness。And ask the students to describe their understanding of happiness is what。

3.Play a short video on the theme of happiness。

4.After watching the video, ask everyone to think for one minute about the moments that make you feel happy in your daily life。And ask the students to share with us。

5.Finally, I will introduce some ways to improve your happiness。Finally, summarize this activity。



.Summary report

    Happiness is an old topic that people talk about differently, and people in different periods and fields have their own understandings about it。The class meeting led the students to understand that a happy person must be good at knowing happiness, finding happiness, and amplifying happiness。A truly happy person will enjoy every bit of his life in a way that makes sense to him。I also learned that investing myself in the group will enjoy greater happiness。



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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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