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2021 Outstanding psychological Committee member -- Li Yuze
2021-12-30 11:06  

Li Yuze, majoring in automation at the School of Automation Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, is a member of the psychology Department of Automatic Class 193, and serves as the director of the Health Department and the head of the psychological troupe of the school。Be sincere,Positive thinking,Cheerful personality,Be able to bear hardships and stand hard work,Strong adaptability,During the school comprehensive test results are excellent,Won several university-level scholarships and "Excellent Student Leader",Outstanding student leader model ", "excellent league member" and other titles,Have a certain practical work experience and strong team spirit。

    1. Work situation during the period of serving as a psychological committee member

1.Independently plan to carry out psychological group activities and publicity, and create a warm atmosphere of mental health in the class。Plan and carry out psychological theme group activities regularly to improve the psychological quality of classmates;Organize students to watch videos related to spiritual growth from time to time to enhance students' interest in mental health;So far, the work has carried out a total of class meetings and group activities25In total, I participated in group activity counseling12次。Organize a creative psychological activity for the class or college every semester;Create class wechat withQQGroup collection of forms and files, regularly record the daily life of students and class dynamics, at the same time through various platforms to publicize mental health knowledge, share the results of class psychological work, has been highly supported by students and parents。

2.Visit your dorm room at the right time,Usually on Saturday and Sunday evenings,Without disturbing the students' study,Find each student to communicate and talk,Talk about the recent personal mood and study status,And the arrangement of study and life in the near future,The main purpose is to understand the psychological status of the students,And take the opportunity to spread mental health knowledge,At the same time, the corresponding records will be made every week,By comparing emotions each week,In order to grasp the psychological dynamics of the class more deeply。

3.Consciously identify and report the crisis, and provide physical and mental security for the class students。Feel the psychological changes of the students, take the initiative to choose the most suitable way to communicate with the students, in order to find the potential psychological crisis of the students at the first time。工作2In recent years, I have insisted on submitting the Feedback Form on Psychological status of students in the class to the counselor every week. After serving as the person in charge of the psychological work of the college, I have regularly summarized and timely reported the forms of the whole college, and made electronic files for the summary and filing of psychological status。Autonomous recognition3Report to the counselor for proper resolution of the vicious incidents of conflict in the dormitory while ensuring the safety of students;Success recognition15Examples of psychological hidden dangers, which are properly resolved8For example, ask the teacher for help5For example, to recommend psychological counseling2Take example;As a bridge between teachers and parents, I communicated with the parents of several students through wechat and other means, and was recognized by the parents, which helped solve the psychological crisis of students in a timely and effective manner, ensured the physical and mental safety of students to the maximum extent, and gave full play to the advantages of peer counseling。

4.Organize regular publicity activities on mental health knowledge, mainly in the form of1In the class, I often organize and fill in the psychological status questionnaire, and then analyze and process the data, and summarize and present it in the class meeting。(2Collect different types of psychological quizzes and pass themQQOr send it to students on wechat to enrich their extracurricular activities。(3) Regularly in the classQQIn the group to send some of their own copywriting, so that students can get spiritual comfort, the first semester of the freshman year will also send a weekly tip every Monday, summed up the last week's things at the same time to cheer up the students, so that students can be happy on the first day of the week。Another is to write some words on the day of each memorable festival, so that students do not forget some customs of traditional Chinese festivals, to help everyone live a better life。

5.Voluntary peer psychological counseling, to become the guardian of the mental health of classmates。Use spare time to independently learn psychological knowledge, develop psychological hobbies, and apply what you have learned, flexibly use psychological knowledge and language expression skills to facilitate, comfort and support the most suitable communication methods for students in need of help, help students solve psychological confusion, popularize lack of knowledge, and optimize the psychological quality of classmates。

    Second, intensify psychological work during the epidemic

1.Do a good job of analysis and prevention in advance, adjust the work plan immediately, and carry out targeted learning to ensure that the effect of online psychological work is not lost offline。The second semester of the freshman year can not return to school due to the impact of the epidemic,Students' living environment and learning environment have produced great changes;I made a good response analysis with the psychological committee members of each grade in advance,And through the network resources to carry out psychological work during the epidemic targeted learning,Immediately adjusted the class psychological work plan;Conduct regular online psychological class meetings,Discuss the class psychology dynamics with the psychology committee of each class every week。Strengthen the class psychological publicity, and encourage students to learn about the current epidemic situation and carry out online collective activities to ensure that no one is left behind by taking the opportunity of rushing to Wuhan, anti-epidemic publicity, anti-epidemic volunteers and school activities。

    Third, the body is to cultivate the backbone of the class。

Engage in psychological work developed within the class使者制度,The mood messengers of each dormitory are evenly arranged in every part of study, accommodation and life,Once found abnormal, the first time to report;Conduct regular training and report on the work of Xinqing envoys,Constantly adjust the psychological work plan and clarify the focus of work;Maintain close contact with the psychology committee of each school to exchange experience,Share the heart of the experience, learn the heart of the idea, understand the unknown situation, improve the psychological quality, improve their own cultivation。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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