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Happiness is not much
2020-11-05 12:20  


Heartless, live not tired。Life is the most afraid of heart tired。Heart tired, is about too many things。A person who went into the heart turned out again, a heart thing performed a tragedy, a hope eventually came to naught, a road always can not see the end...Care, is the greatest burden of the mind。In fact, whether in care or not, those endings were doomed at the beginning, only now to see。Look light, the heart without obsession, the heart light, the day will be easy。

Have patience, there is a chance。There are some things that can't be rushed, and when the conditions are ripe, nature will take care of itself。Most of the great achievements in the world are accumulated by patience。Patience means to withstand the temptation of the present, to withstand the loneliness of the moment。Patience is not external repression, but inner practice。Don't pick the fruits that are not yet ripe, otherwise, your life will be bitter。

When you want to talk to someone, you find that there are some things you can't tell others, some things you don't need to tell others, some things you simply can't tell others, and some things even if you tell others, you will immediately regret。Then the best way is to calm down, really can calm yourself only yourself。

Happiness is when you want to eat a steamed bun, you get a steamed bun and eat it at ease。If you can only get half called insufficient;Less called scarcity;If you get two, it's called surplus;Getting three is called a burden;Getting more is a drag。Happiness is not the more the better, but the right;Happiness is not a vanity on the face, but an inner need;Happiness is not in the eyes of others, but in your own heart。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012