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2021-04-25 10:01  

In one of her poems, Ms. Zhang Xiuya wrote a very beautiful realm. The poem goes like this:

Little white flower,

Like an innocent with a milk cup

Children spill it everywhere。

The wind blows, the little cup is crooked,

Spill some more。

When I first read this poem, I felt that my heart seemed to be very clean, and then I suddenly realized: Why have I never treated my children with such a heart?

Isn't it?Don't I just stare at the young child nervously when he comes along with his cup wobbly, afraid that he will spill the contents?And if he did spill it, wouldn't I yell at him every time?Even if sometimes you can control your emotions and not treat him harshly, but every time you don't quickly wipe the ground with a rag, it strongly suggests to him: "Are you doing something wrong??"Why should I do this to him?

Compared with my sofa and my carpet, my children should certainly be worth a great deal more。But every time a child spills milk on the sofa or the floor, don't I quickly brush the child aside and painstakingly clean up the mess?At that moment, the angry mother in the child's eyes did not seem to love the sofa and felt more than the child?

But I am not saying that from now on I will applaud every time my child knocks something over and happily ask him to do it again so that I can enjoy it again。

I just remind myself that this is a special right given to young children。当然。I would still be in a hurry to clean up, and I would probably still tell him that he had made a mistake。However, in my heart, I want to thank God, thank it can let me enjoy the happiness of being a loving mother。In my eyes, I want to gently comfort my child that he has made a mistake, but he has made a "beautiful mistake."。

There are many different stages of life, and each stage has different characteristics. Since we can appreciate the kindness of the elderly, the maturity of the middle age, the beauty of the youth, and the innocence of the children, why can't we appreciate the mistakes of the children?

He can't handle a cup well, he can't handle a spoon well, he often falls down if he runs fast, and he often makes mistakes if he speaks in a hurry。However, at such a young age, all his mistakes are not to make you pity?Isn't it all about telling you that he can't leave you for a second?He has soft feet, soft hands and a soft heart, and he needs the love and comfort we can never get enough of him, and he needs all our company。

And one day, when he doesn't stumble so often when he walks, when he holds his cup so steadily, when he speaks so clearly, he won't need us "that way" anymore。

He's still your son, of course, but he's already on his way。The less support he needs, the further away he will be from you。If he had sorrow, it could not be comforted by a mother's embrace or a kiss;If he has fear, the mother's arms are no longer the safest place, and some things are beyond the power of a loving mother。He would still make mistakes, of course, but those mistakes would be real mistakes, not so tender and beautiful as those made in childhood。

A while ago, when my children were young, I felt like all young mothers that I was counting the days, and we used to say, "Just two more years until the kids start kindergarten.。”

Or: "When the kids go to school, I'll be stuck.。”

Tonight, I realized that we are all throwing the best time God has given us。In this period of time, we can enjoy every moment our children give us and every moment we give our children, which should be the beginning of the whole world, the most simple and selfless love, such love will become relatively rare in the future。

Dear friends, let's be a happy loving mother。At the end of this letter, let me share with you another quote from Ms. Zhang Xiuya:

Sometimes, when I am depressed about some daily trifles, the indistinct voices of children in the alley come from outside the wall, mixed with pure laughter, and every time I smile, I think of that poem:

God, the child's eyes have you!

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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