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What is procrastination?
2021-05-24 14:13  


    Procrastination, which means "putting off what you started until tomorrow"。Procrastination manifests itself in all sorts of small things, but over time, it especially affects personal development。The phenomenon of procrastination has become an important subject of study by management scientists and psychologists。

    The word was first used in Edward Hall's book published in 1542。Almost at the same time, in China, which was in the alternation of Ming and Qing dynasties, a scholar named Qian Hetan wrote the popular Song of Tomorrow: "Tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrow.。I was born to wait for tomorrow, everything is wasted。”

    The process of translating the Bible from Greek to English,Delay is more often translated as "sin",Until after the Industrial Revolution,Procrastination began to take on its current meaning,A trait or behavioral tendency to avoid performing tasks or making decisions in a deferred manner,Is an act of self-obstruction and dysfunction."。However, "procrastination" has officially become a disease, and foreign research has only been conducted for a decade or two。

    Simply procrastinating or being too lazy to do something can only be defined as "procrastination" and is just a bad habit that is not difficult to correct。

When "procrastination" has affected emotions, such as strong self-blame, strong guilt, constant self-denial, self-deprecation, accompanied by anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other psychological diseases, it can be called "procrastination".。

    The foundation of procrastination is actually high or even unrealistic expectations of ourselves。If the task is to walk across a plank of wood that is a man's width and ten meters long, almost anyone can walk across it easily when it is placed on the ground。But high expectations of results are like putting the board ten stories up between two tall buildings, and we are afraid to fall, afraid to fail or afraid to succeed, or even to take a step forward。deadline, on the other hand, is a fire behind us, and when it gets close enough, the fear of being burned overcomes the fear of falling, so we rush to finish the task before the deadline, although the quality is hard to say。

    What's scarier is that many procrastinators even enjoy the sudden relief that comes after a deadline, and the results can sometimes be quite good。At such times, you will praise yourself for being "efficient"。At the same time, over a long period of time, although I don't want to admit it, I do feel that if I spend a lot of time with mediocre results, it will be a very humiliating thing。And so all of this, all of it, reinforces the delay。

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