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Lover in the side of the dream come true
2022-04-25 16:15  

 The train of life does not know how long it has been open, when we find that the train has entered the journey of "youth" at that moment。The rain outside the window, the misty smoke......
  When you sit down with hope beside me, but I love the nothingness outside the window, when you are about to quietly get up and leave, I wake up。Your look back, shallow light, but in my heart branded the most
Deep mark。
  Xi Murong said, "If you are the tearful archer, I am the white bird that is determined not to dodge anymore.。And you are destined to collect my happiness and sorrow。Chasing you, for my that has been boiling with you
腾的⼼。Asking around to hear about you, all they tell me is that you're a dream kid。
  When the sweat falls from the cheek, along the way it blooms gorgeous flowers, no longer stay, because you are in the distance;When the tears gushed out of the eyes, fell in the heart, unexpectedly bearing a graceful green lotus。You paint for me
Out of the wonderful life, searching, dusk is growing, I can no longer distinguish the way forward, I thought I would never see you again。However, the years have not abandoned me, in the silver moonlight in the forest, I finally find
To your footprints。Hold a long pole and trace back to your back。
  I like that dream, clearly know has been for you to travel thousands of miles, but feel the delicious grass, as if you and I met。However, all this is no longer a dream, I hold your hand, see the flowers along the way smile
Dimple breeze, look at the journey of dreams shining golden light。
  The most gorgeous cocoon breaking requires the most regretless pay and the most perseverance。Next June, you and I will finally pursue the dream, complete the most gorgeous cocoon breaking, and then become a butterfly, in the most beautiful flowers

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012