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Emotional immunity
2021-09-12 08:00  

Content introduction

    The adult world is not easy to speak of, everyone will encounter some problems in work or life, and if you can work in the workplace, you can solve the problems in life to a certain extent。

    This book starts with many common problems in the workplace, comprehensively analyzes workplace problems and unspoken rules in the workplace, and combines with actual cases to tell readers how to adjust their strategies and how to deal with similar problems。

    When you have enough methods and experience to deal with the chaos and complexity of work, you also have enough heart to deal with the changes and problems in life。

    In the process of constantly solving problems, I gradually grow up and become stronger, so as to establish a stable inner order, and be a strong individual who controls emotions internally and work and life externally。


Part I makes silence work

Every silence has to be just right

You can't be a snitch when you're angry

Why are people who talk less popular

Why not me?

Part II Sweet words are good medicine

The book should be used to record the good

Sweet things heal best

Control your emotions with compliments

Part III Harvesting empathy by "showing weakness"

You have to learn to be a good guide

It is better to be strong than four or two

Humility is the best way to express it

Part IV: Secrets of Saying No

If you don't refuse others, you are rejected by others

Your bottom line is your bottom line

The more you say no, the happier the other person is

Part V The power of patience

Tolerate some mistakes, there will be new opportunities

Why do you always want to jump ship

我爱Take the blame

Part VI How to Take the Initiative

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, take the initiative

Be proactive rather than passive

Slow down enthusiasm with an initiative

Part VII Going backward is to better go forward

Don't burn yourself out for praise

How do you handle yourself when no one appreciates you

Be sensitive. Be curious

Part VIII Humor is also a weapon

The more humor, the better

Essential soft power

When you're optimistic, you have followers

Part IX From "Conformity" to "Excellence"

When the whole world is against you

Conformity or excellence

Please fix the broken window in time

Part X Shows off just the right amount

Confidence is a kind of ability

It's good to be loud at the right time

Less teasing and more teasing“炫耀”


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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