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Anxiety Relief Handbook: How to Self-discipline from Anxiety
2021-12-08 12:39  

Content introduction

      Millions of people around the world feel fear, worry and panic at times。Drug companies spend billions of dollars each year on developing drugs that target these symptoms, but the truth is that there is no "magic bullet" that can completely cure anxiety。Medication-dependent anxiety treatments have a high recurrence rate after discontinuation, and the side effects of these drugs can be worse than the symptoms they are supposed to relieve。Making gentle, natural changes in your lifestyle to improve your physical and mental health is a long-term way to reduce anxiety。

      Edmund J. Byrne, author of The Handbook of Anxiety and Phobias and other books, is a natural medicine physician who has written this book to provide readers with a complete set of ways to combat anxiety symptoms without using drugs:

Examine your lifestyle choices and overall health;

Reduce anxiety through proper and healthy self-talk;

Recognize the importance of physical activity and a healthy, natural diet in managing anxiety;

Explore techniques to completely relax your body;

Find the nutrition and natural remedies that will really help you in the process of regaining your inner peace;

       Find ways to simplify your life and reduce your stress。

In addition, the book provides a wealth of content on psychological self-improvement, so that readers understand how and when to seek help from others。



Chapter 1 Relax

Four signs of relaxation

The physiology of relaxation

Deep relaxation

A guide to relaxation techniques

Progressive muscle relaxation

Passive muscle relaxation

Abdominal breathing and chest breathing

Visual guidance

Adjust the pace of life

Chapter 2 Exercise: Self-venting of Anxiety

The preventive effect of exercise




Aerobics class


Sports are supposed to be fun

An excuse to skip exercise

Chapter 3: Nourishing the Body and Mind with a healthy diet

Three deadly SINS of diet


Food allergy

Nourish your body and mind with a natural diet

Drink lots of water

Make changes naturally

Chapter 4: Calm Thinking

Panic attack

The development of panic

Replace negative thoughts with realistic positive thoughts

Primary fear and secondary fear

Overrated and underrated

Simple coping techniques to get started quickly

Chapter 5 Physiological Conditions that Exacerbate Anxiety

Adrenal fatigue



Heavy metal poisoning

Premenstrual syndrome

Seasonal affective disorder

Vitamin or trace element deficiency

Chapter 6: Natural Supplements for Anxiety Relief



Amino acid

Hormone supplement

Chapter 7 Meditation: Finding Inner Peace

Compassion: The benefits of meditation

Learn to let go: Practice meditation

The Right technique: The nuts and bolts of meditation

Keep practicing

Chapter 8 Mindfulness Training

Unity of body and mind

Yoga: Stretching for inner peace

Tai Chi: Cranes and snakes

Qigong: Meditation, pranayama and movement

Chapter 9: Keep It Simple

A tale of two kitchens

A view of the simple life

Ways to simplify your life

Simplify your Life List

Chapter 10 Embrace Spirituality

How does spirituality bring peace of mind

Find your spirituality

Establish a connection to a higher power

Consider the relevant issues carefully

Ask for outside help



Chiropractic therapy



A full health checkup

Seek help from a medical professional in the relevant field

Extended reading/other materials


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012