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The Spring infectious disease prevention theme activity of the School of Energy and Power Engineering was successfully carried out
2021-04-24 21:44 Wei Yanshuang 

Spring is the season of high incidence of infectious diseases, with the warming of the climate, the environment in the human body is difficult to suddenly and the outside world Adaptation, the human immunity is relatively low, the incidence of various infectious diseases is increasing, in order to help students understand infectious diseases, learn knowledge of infectious diseases, prevent infectious diseases, enhance students' health awareness, so that everyone has a healthy body。School of Energy and Power Engineering Student Development Services Center Health Services DepartmentThe prevention of spring infectious diseases activity was held from 9:00 am on April 14, and by 5:00 PM on April 15, the theme activity of preventing spring infectious diseases in the School of Energy and Power Engineering was successfully completed。The college student work office teacher Zhang Kuo, Huang Zuyi counselor, cadres and officers of student organizations and close500 students took part in the activity。

It took four days from the announcement of the event to the successful completion of the theme event。Before the event, the Health Service Department of the School of Energy and Power Engineering actively planned the event, understood and learned the knowledge of infectious diseases, designed the event games, purchased props and small gifts, and arranged the venue.Carefully arrange the specific process of the entire activity。To ensure the prevention of spring infectious disease theme activities carried out smoothly。In the process of the activity, the whole school students actively participated in the activity, the atmosphere was lively and harmonious, the students not only got a beautiful small gift, but also learned about the knowledge and prevention methods of spring infectious diseases。

Through this time"Healthy life begins with the heart, disease prevention practices in action" Spring infectious disease prevention theme activities, the whole school students have a more comprehensive understanding of the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases,Then arouse the students' attention to the prevention of infectious diseases, enhance the students' health awareness。The launch of this theme activity,It adds impetus to the physical quality education of students in the School of Energy and Power Engineering, and lays a foundation for the better development of the school of Energy and Power Engineering in the future。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012