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School of Computer Science "5.25 Mental Health Day "theme class meeting activities
2021-05-28 15:00  

In order to deepen the students' understanding of mental health knowledge and solve some psychological troubles in study and life, the classes of the School of Computer Science are taught2021525The"5.25Mental Health Day class meeting。

At the class meeting, each class first watched a movie about mental health, which made students full of confidence in study and life, stimulated their enthusiasm for study and life, and understood the importance of communicating with others, getting along harmoniously and adjusting emotions in time。After watching the film, the psychology committee of each class organized a class meeting on psychological topics, so that psychological knowledge penetrated into the lives of students and optimized the psychological quality of students。Finally, each class was divided into different groups to make a manual newspaper with the theme of "Making contact with the soul and walking with the health". Students drew their own understanding of mental health knowledge on the paper, and absorbed the beneficial ingredients in the activities to relieve the pressure in study and life。

Theme Class Meeting (1)

Theme Class Meeting (2)

Copy newspaper works by hand

Through the psychological theme class meeting activities, students pay more attention to their mental health problems, better play the brain function, develop intelligence, and give full play to various abilities。Make the students vigorous in life, cheerful and optimistic, active in learning and work, improve efficiency, while understanding and mastering more knowledge of mental health education, maintain mental health, and promote the healthy growth of students。





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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012