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School of Foreign Languages "International Happiness Day • Improving Subjective well-being" theme class meeting plan
2021-05-28 15:23  

1. Activity background

    每年320It is the International Day of Happiness。Happiness refers to a series of joy and pleasure emotions produced subjectively by human beings based on their own satisfaction and security,College is the transition of youth to society,And college students are the future of our country,With the development of society,The impact of the employment dilemma,Stress is common among college students,And having a strong sense of well-being helps develop a healthy personality,Cultivate outstanding talents for the motherland,For this reason, the School of Foreign Languages specially launched this activity。

    2. Activity theme

    The International Day of Happiness promotes subjective well-being

    Third, the purpose of the activity

    To conduct happiness education for students, guide students to understand the true meaning of happiness, strengthen students' ability to discover and perceive happiness, strengthen their own happiness, know how to share and inherit happiness, let the wind of happiness blow into the campus, and provide a good human environment for creating a "happy campus"。

    4. The organizer

    Organizer: Student Union, School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Dianli University

    Organizer: Student Union Service Department, School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Dianli University

    5. Activity location

    Each class arranges its own time and place

    6. Participants

    1.Participants: All students of the School of Foreign Languages

    2.Staff: Department of Student Union, School of Foreign Languages

    7. Activity process

    1.The service department is responsible for the proposed notification of the activity, the time and place of the activity and the collection of submitted materials;

    2.Youth League Committee propaganda Department to write news;

    3.The class meeting can be divided into the following forms:

    Carry out small games, interaction, sharing stories, watching videos and other forms are not limited, each class can be set freely according to their own situation。






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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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