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Happy summer sun, build dreams to fly
2021-06-01 14:03  

     In anticipation of21The arrival of the National College Students Mental Health Day, to our school teachers and students to publicize and popularize the knowledge of mental health, improve the mental health awareness of college students, guide students to know happiness, find happiness, feel happiness。525On the same day, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Department of Student Affairs carried out the theme publicity activities of the Mental Health Day of college students. The School of Arts actively responded to and fully cooperated with the theme activities of the mental Health Day of the Department of Student Affairs and carried out two colorful psychological activities。

  Activity one

    In order to enhance the understanding between teachers and students, help college students to establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook, values, enhance students' mental health, for students to channel negative emotions, guide students' psychological positivity, increase the intimacy between students, expand幸福The coverage and influence of knowledge publicity help students cultivate a positive attitude. The mental workstation of the School of Art propagates knowledge about happiness on multiple platforms such as circle of friends and exhibition hall posters。并于519Be held on a daily basisHappy summer sunPsychological guardian activities, activities by the psychological workstation master Miao Jinshuo presided over, the Academy of Art director201、编导202,共60More than one student participated。

    The students randomly and anonymously select the lucky ones they want to protect in the class, and the angels leave a note of praise or encouragement to the lucky ones for three consecutive days. The students are also protected while protecting others, so that the students of the School of Art are immersed in the atmosphere of love and being loved, enhancing their happiness。


 Activity two

    Since the establishment of the heart workstation, under the leadership of Miao Jinshuo, the stationmaster has completed many activities, large and small, and the heart workstation has gradually become a happy family, everyone enjoys it。521On Sunday, all the students in the psychology workstation of the School of Art conducted two psychological games in the Student Union office。

I guess the purpose of these two games is to let everyone understand the harm of spreading false messages, do not believe rumors and rumors, and establish their own clear values and views of right and wrong。The second is to make the relationship between the internal members of the psychological station closer, more tacit understanding between the work more familiar。

    The three days brought the students heart-to-heart communication, love and love transmission,It is the close appreciation of each other and the intimate communication of the soul,In the laughter and laughter of the students participating in the activities,More meaning is to let the students face every day with an optimistic attitude,The heart workstation of the School of Art moves forward with love,Healthy growth。





                                             Source: Art School Mental Workstation

                                               Editor: School of Art Liu Yongping

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012